Shadowfax is Expanding Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities in our Day Support Program
In keeping with our commitment to promote empowerment and inclusion, Shadowfax is excited to announce we are transforming the way Day Supports are provided. Effective July 1, 2025, Shadowfax will eliminate subminimum wage contract work for individuals with disabilities (14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act). Alternatively, we will continue to expand opportunities through Community Integrated Employment (CIE), volunteering, and relationship development. Participants will focus on developing skills based on their personal preferences and vision for an everyday life.
Shadowfax Day Supports Frequently Asked Questions
If I work in the shop now, will I still be able to go to Shadowfax?
Yes! Shadowfax will continue to offer the following opportunities (see
Services tab):
Employment Supports
Benefits Planning
Community Supports
Day Supports
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Can I still get a paycheck from Shadowfax?
No, however, Shadowfax is dedicated to helping you achieve your
employment goals.
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What is Employment First?
Employment First is a national framework that aims to ensure that
people with disabilities can participate in community and competitive
integrated employment (CIE). It encourages publicly funded systems
to prioritize CIE for employment and day services for people with
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How does Employment First work in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania's Employment First plan requires groups that receive
public funding to prioritize employment for eligible people with
disabilities. The state also has an Employment First Oversight
Commission that reviews regulations and policies to improve the
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What is Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)?
According to WIOA, to be in competitive integrated employment (CIE)
means that you are working full-time or part-time, making minimum
wage or higher and at a rate comparable to non-disabled workers
performing the same tasks, and working with coworkers without
disabilities with the same benefits and opportunities for promotions.
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For more information: