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Celebrating Success

Stephen explored a wide variety of places within our community. He seemed to be very happy when he was helping others, which led him to volunteering at SpiriTrust. Stephen gleamed with pride when he received his name tag. He enjoys helping in the dining area by clearing tables, setting tables, and on occasion helping with the food. As time passed, Fred joined Stephen at SpiriTrust. They work together to get the task done. Fred's smiles show that he too is happy volunteering. A group of men that gathers to play pool each day after breakfast has invited Stephen and Fred to learn and play with them. They are becoming friends and it is wonderful to see their relationship develop.

Donna, Noemi, and Josiah enjoy volunteering at SpiriTrust two days a week. They take beverage carts that are stocked with snacks and beverages to residents who are in their rooms. They also take time to visit the people who live there. They are meeting new people who like to chat with them. We have been told that we light up their day and many ask when we are coming back.

One gentleman who was rather grumpy around them is now getting to know them and recently opened up and told stories about his military life during World War II. Another veteran who was passing by joined in the conversation. He was on the ship that took the atom bomb to Nagasaki. The whole group ate lunch together, and relationships are forming.

Stephen, Todd, Brandon, and Mark love volunteering at Spiritrust. They spend time visiting with residents, talking and just each other’s company. Todd had a very special and wonderful experience. As he walked around to the different rooms he noticed that one of the residents has the same last name as his. This intrigued him and when he spoke with her at their lunch time, he discovered that she is his Great Aunt. He was overwhelmed with emotion and they talked for quite a while about family and friends.

The following week, Todd met his mom’s best friend while volunteering. And on another occasion met a new friend from Red Lion. He wants to continue visiting at SpiriTrust so he can keep in touch with his new-found relative and friends. Brandon particularly enjoys visiting with Joan, who lives on the second floor. She is a very sweet and funny person and they laugh and joke with each other. Brandon always makes sure he visits her every time he goes to SpiriTrust.

In April 2017, Cindi, Michael, and Jill started to explore a variety of job and volunteer opportunities in York. Their adventure led them to volunteering at various farms in York County which included Fresh Food Farms, Leg Up Farm, and Horn Farm Center. They learned to identify plants and vegetables, and helped by pulling weeds and harvesting many crops last summer. When the harvest season came to a close, they began volunteering at the York Food Bank twice a week. They have assembled boxes and stocked shelves. They also spend time at Spring Stables Horse Farm learning how to care for horses. They are looking forward to returning to the vegetable farms this spring.

Michael was recently hired by Fresh Food Farms. He is planting seedlings at the brand new heated greenhouse. Congratulations Michael!!

Mark stocks shelves at LifePath Ministries twice a week and also helps customers find what they need. He loves helping people take items to their car if needed. Mark also enjoys visiting Tractor Supply, Lowe’s, and Home Depot, where he has developed relationships with some of the employees. His growing relationship with a manager resulted with a job offer. Mark is excited about his future!

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